Head of the laboratory: Andreev A.B.

Direction of research: Carrying out geomagnetic measurements, studying the nature of geomagnetic field variations, magnetic terrain survey.

Scientific projects:


“To develop methodological bases for assessing seismic hazard based on data on variations in solar activity, geomagnetic field and the Earth’s rotation rate”.


“Development of statistical models of space-time variations of seismicity characteristics in connection with variations in the structure and dynamics of the Earth’s radiation belt”.

Geomagnetic observatory

Оn the basis of the laboratory of geomagnetic research operates geomagnetic observatory Alma-Ata

The Alma-Ata Geomagnetic Observatory performs continuous monitoring of the geomagnetic field on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In November 2005, the Alma-Ata Geomagnetic Observatory received a quality certificate from the INTERMAGNET International Organization.

Changes in the state of the geomagnetic field for 2003-2019 are presented on the website of the geomagnetic observatory “Alma-Ata” http://geomag.ionos.kz, as well as on the website of the International Network of Geomagnetic Observatories INTERMAGNET www.intermagnet.org. Since 2010, the Alma-Ata geomagnetic observatory has been part of the International Network of Stations for the normalization of the Dst-index, and real-time data are transmitted to the Dcx-index Server (University of Oulu, Finland) http://dcx.oulu. fi. All data of the Alma-Ata geomagnetic observatory comply with INTERMAGNET international standards. These observatories are intended for detailed studies of various geomagnetic processes occurring in near-Earth outer space.

Mission: Monitoring of the full vector and field components according to the INTERMAGNET international network standard in order to:

development of the international reference model of the geomagnetic field IGRF;
study of geomagnetic field variations and their causes;
study of seismo-magnetic links;
geomagnetic situation forecast;
providing information about the variations of the field of interested consumers (JSC “Kazakhstan GIS Center” of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, GKP “Urban Cadastre”, RSE “Qazgeodezia”)

Observatory measuring instruments

All measurements of the geomagnetic field are carried out using a specialized complex. The complex consists of two digital magnetic variation stations based on fluxgate magnetometers LEMI-008 and LEMI-018 for recording the XYZ-components of the geomagnetic field in a 1-second mode, a variational station with a POS-1 proton magnetometer for absolute measurements of the modulus of the geomagnetic field vector F in 5- and DI fluxgate magnetometer LEMI-203 for absolute measurements of magnetic declination angles D and inclination I.

Magnetometers have certificates and are verified every 2 years according to the INTERMAGNET program.

Main works within the observatory

The observatory has organized a geomagnetic service, which provides for daily analysis and, if necessary, removal of interference in the received second data, calculation of minute values from the initial data, as well as calculation of the K-index of local geomagnetic activity and sending files of minute values to the WDC INTERMAGNET.

Comprehensive monitoring measurements carried out at the Alma-Ata Geomagnetic Observatory also include measurements of the angular elements of declination D and inclination I of the geomagnetic field vector. These measurements are carried out using a fluxgate DI magnetometer LEMI-203. In accordance with the agreement, annual calculations of the declination of the magnetic needle D and annual changes in declination D are carried out according to the coordinates of points for JSC “Kazakhstan GIS Center” of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Also, calculations of the geomagnetic declination D were carried out for the State Enterprise “Urban Planning Cadastre” under the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Akim of the Almaty Region.

According to the experimental geomagnetic data, the average annual values (D, I, H, Z, X, Y, F) are calculated and prepared – the component of the geomagnetic field for the Summary tables “Annual average values of the geomagnetic field of the World Network of Magnetic Observatories” IZMIRAN.


Articles in rating publications:

-Far abroad

1 Khachikyan G.Ya., Zhumabayev B.T., Streltsov A.V. Modification of the Ionosphere by Precursors of Strong Earthquakes // Radio Science Bulletin. 2016. – No. 357. – P. 12-22: http://www.ursi.org/files/RSBissues/RSB_357_2016_06.pdf

– RK

2 Zhantaev Zh.Sh., Zhumabaev B.T. , Khachikyan G.Ya., Toyshiev N., Kairatkyzy D. Variations of solar and global seismic activity in 21-24 solar cycles. // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Physical series. 2015. – No. 4. – S. 63-70.

3 Zhantaev Zh.Sh., Khachikyan G.Ya., Kairatkyzy D., Andreev A.B. Long-term trends in variations in the duration of the Earth’s day and the frequency of earthquakes on the planet. Izvestiya NAS RK. Physical series. – Almaty, 2016. – No. 4. – S. 62-66. (impact factor IF=0.12)

4 Zh.Sh. Zhantaev, G.Ya. Khachikyan, A.S. Kim, N.F. Study of the impact of geodynamic processes in the lithosphere on the characteristics of the ionospheric layer according to satellite data. Vestnik KazNIISA. –2016. – No. 2 (64). – S. 34-42. (Impact factor – 0.200).

5 Khachikyan G.Ya., Zhumabaev B.T., Toyshiev N.S., Kaldybaev A., Nurakynov S. Variations in solar activity and spatio-temporal distribution of strong earthquakes (M≥7.0) on the territory of Eurasia in 1973-2014 // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Physical series. – Almaty, 2016. – No. 4. – P. 40-45. (impact factor IF=0.12)

6 Khachikyan G.Ya., Zhumabaev B.T., Seraliev A.M., Khasanov E.R. Spatial distribution of characteristics of the main geomagnetic field and epicenters of deep-focus (h>350 km) earthquakes. Izvestiya NAS RK. Physical series. – Almaty, 2016. – No. 4. – S. 67-72. (impact factor IF=0.12)

7 Poleshko N.N., Dosaybekova S., Khachikyan G.Ya. Variations in focal mechanisms in the Northern Tien Shan and Dzungaria: connection with the 22-year cycle in the solar magnetic field. Bulletin of NNC RK. Issue 2. – Almaty, June 2016. – P. 160-166 (impact factor IF=0.176)

8 Khachikyan G.Ya., Zhumabaev B.T., Toyshiev N.S., Kairatkyzy D., Seraliev A.M., Khasanov E.R. Estimation of the maximum possible magnitudes of earthquakes in various seismically active regions according to geomagnetic data // Journal of Problems evolution of open systems (OPES). – 2017. Issue 19. T.1. – P.115-120.

International conferences (reports)

-Far abroad

9 Kairatkyzy D., Khachikyan G., Zhumabayev B. Variations of Geomagnetic Dst-index and Seismicity at Northern Tien-Shan // Proc. European Geosciences Union General Assembly EGU2015 Austria, Vienna, 2015. http://presentations.copernicus.org/EGU2015-3259_presentation.pdf

10 Khachikyan G., Zhumabayev B., Toishiev N., Kairatkyzy D., Kaldybayev A., Nurakynov S. Evidence for external forcing temporal clustering of great earthquakes // European Geosciences Union General Assembly EGU2016. – Vienna, 2016. – Presentation. – X1.328. – http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org-/EGU2016/posters/20392

11 Kairatkyzy D., Andreyev A., Zhumabayeva S., Seraliyev A. On searching applicants for mechanism of solar-lithosphere relations // European Geosciences Union General Assembly EGU2016. – Vienna, 2016. – Presentation. – http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org-/EGU2016/posters/20400.

12 Khachikyan G, Zhumabayev B., Toishiev N., Kairatkyzy D., Seraliyev A., Khassanov E. Seismic zoning (first approximation) using data of the main geomagnetic field. Geophysical Research Abstracts. – 2017. – Vol. 19. – EGU2017-7350. https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2017/presentations

-RF and CIS

14 Khachikyan G.Ya. The main geomagnetic field and seismic belts of the Earth // Fourth All-Russian Conference with international participation “Tectonophysics and topical issues of the Earth sciences”. – Moscow, 2016. – V.2. – S. 617-622. http://www.ifz.ru/fileadmin/user_upload/subdivisions/506/Konferencii/2016/Mat/V2/5/Hachikian.pdf

13 Kairatkyzy D., Khachikyan G.Ya., Zhumabaev B.T. Geomagnetic storms and seismic activity in the Northern Tien Shan // Modern equipment and technologies in scientific research: mater. report VII Intern. conf. young scientists and students. -Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, 2015. – P. 55-59

15 Toyshiev N., Kairatkyzy D., Seraliev A. Variations in seismic activity in spreading, subduction and intracontinental orogens in connection with variations in solar activity // Proceedings of the VII International Conference of Young Scientists and Students “Modern Techniques and Technologies in Scientific Research”. – Bishkek, 2016 – S. 261-265.

16 Kairatkyzy D., Andreev A. Long-term trends in variations of solar activity, the duration of the earth’s day and global seismic activity // Proceedings of the VII International Conference of Young Scientists and Students “Modern Techniques and Technologies in Scientific Research”. – Bishkek, 2016 – S. 124-127.

17 Toyshiev N.S. Relationship between the geomagnetic ZGSM component and MMAX in various seismotectonic regions. IX Intern. conf. young scientists and students “Modern equipment and technologies in scientific research”. Bishkek, March 27-29, 2017 pp. 178-182.

18 Kairatkyzy D., Andreev A.B. Analysis of variations in the speed of rotation of the Earth in 1973-2