Head of the laboratory – Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Salikhov N.M.

Direction: Development of methods and tools of geophysical monitoring for the study of dynamic processes in the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere system in preparation for and during earthquakes; solving the problems of identifying weak seismogenic signals against the background of disturbances caused by solar flares and geomagnetic storms.

Perspective directions:

Study of the transmission mechanisms of seismogenic disturbances in the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere system and their analysis during geoeffective solar events.
Development of methods and means of geophysical monitoring necessary for the study of dynamic processes in the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere system in preparation for and during earthquakes.
Theoretical description of perturbations of electric and magnetic fields, as well as a system of currents in a conducting earth during the propagation of purely surface electromagnetic perturbations. Study of cosmic rays in the energy range (1-1000) PeV to clarify their elemental composition and the astrophysical nature of the sources of their acceleration.(Изменено)Восстановить исходный вариант


  1. “Research of the state of the geophysical environment over the sources of strong earthquakes for the diagnosis and prediction of dangerous events of lithospheric origin” 2018-2021.
  2. “Monitoring and research of intergeospheric interactions in the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere system in geodynamic active regions” 2021-2023.

Main results: Intergeospheric interactions were studied on the basis of radiation, infrasound and electromagnetic methods in geodynamic active regions. As a result, anomalous effects were revealed in the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere system during seismogenic and geoeffective solar events.


Salikhov, N.; Shepetov, A.; Pak, G.; Saveliev, V.; Nurakynov, S.; Ryabov, V.; Zhukov, V. Disturbances of Doppler Frequency Shift of Ionospheric Signal and of Telluric Current Caused by Atmospheric Waves from Explosive Eruption of Hunga Tonga Volcano on January 15, 2022. Atmosphere 202314, 245. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos14020245